As we’re all mentally prepared to go bravely forth and scale mountains of challenges in the new year, a reminder came to me this week in the studio:
It’s best not to go hiking alone.
I have spent a lot of time alone this week at my worktable in the next stages of my connected houses quilt project. (I look forward to getting back to writing about it next week.) Generally, I enjoy solitude.
But while it was just me and some Baroque chamber music in the background, I had time for thinking while I worked.
I am more grateful than I can say for the groups I belong to, formally and informally. They help me grow. They keep me sane. They offer me feedback. I don’t think the time alone would be the same without the time with others of like mind.
So, I offer these few words of advice for artmakers for this year: be sure to take a few folks with you on your journey. If you don’t have any art camaraderie in your life, work to find some. It means everything.
Each week, I meet with three friends for a writer’s group. (It inspired the portrait below, “Writing The Next Word.”)
A dedicated time to meet. A dedicated activity. Building up both writing skills and trust in one another. I am so grateful for this group.
I also belong to several art groups, and each of them has something happening in the month of January. So, while I tell a bit about each group, I can also do a little promotion for the events.
My longest-running association with an art group is ArtsEtc. I think I counted about fourteen years with this gang. It’s a small , informal group of textile artists and mixed media artists that meets monthly. We go through ups and downs. Sometimes we flounder trying to figure out our purpose. Sometimes we go gangbusters! But we hang in there with each other. I am proud to be exhibiting with them in the City Hall of my hometown of DeLand beginning later this week.
If you live near DeLand, please join us for the opening.
My second-longest art association is with SAQA – Studio Art Quilt Associates. I really don’t have enough words to express what a great INTERNATIONAL organization this is. SAQA is dedicated to promoting the art quilt as a fine art medium. It offers all kinds of opportunities (in-person and online) for growth in your artmaking journey. And, if you are a lover of good art but not a maker, this organization is still the best there is to discover new textile artists and their work. Visit Enjoy looking around. Then join!
Also later this week, I am proud to be part of the Florida Regional SAQA exhibit that will be opening in Stuart, Florida at Elliott Museum.
Here’s the work I am exhibiting, Why I Wake Early.
If you live near Stuart, Florida, I hope you you will make a visit to this exhibit while it’s at the Elliott.
Finally, I am pleased to be part of DeLand’s very fine Museum, the Museum of Art DeLand. When my daughter was in elementary school, she attended more sessions of summer art camp than any other kid in DeLand. She loved it. I loved it. I was on their board over thirty years ago, and I am happy now to be on the board again (OMG! I’m a matriarch!) and working on several committees. So, I’m happy to promote their upcoming event in January too:
For folks in and near DeLand, I hope you’ll plan on attending this dress-up-fancy night out.
OK. That’s the end of the advertising.
No, it turns out I have one more thought to share about not hiking alone.
Aside from the joy of camaraderie, it really helps to have somebody help you stay on the right path. Many art groups get together and share what each member has created since the last meeting. That’s good. But, even better, is somebody to help critique your ideas, your concepts, your beginnings, and your not-yet-completed works to help you see what needs to be done before it’s too late.
It's best if you can find somebody whose work is as least as accomplished as your own or better. (There are only so many pats on the head that are helpful. Beyond that, we all benefit from real critique.)
In my life, my partner John is my best critiquer. It’s wonderful to share the work at its early stages and I respect his artist’s insights. I have others I share with too. Finding an honest sounding board helps every artist be better.
Now . . . March forth and create!
For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating
Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.
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