Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Kicking Leaves

Being able to see the whole arc of a creation…  from concept to completion.

Sometimes it’s just a nice experience.

Back in March I was in the beginning stages of a memory piece built around the images of swirling leaves and a home.

I wrote about some of the technical aspects of creating the leaves at that time.

A few months later, I completed the work: “House of Leaves.”  But I had not shown it anywhere yet because I was not sure whether or not I would enter it not an exhibit.

Friday I was guest speaker at a local arts group in DeLand. I was able to talk about creating fiber art to a group who are primarily painters. I brough “House of Leaves” and used it as an example of some of my artmaking methods and principles.

Then, when I got home, I received an email acceptance from the Schweinfurth Art Center that this work was accepted into Q=A=Q, what I consider one of the finest national art quilt exhibits. They chose 70 works to exhibit from work entered by 278 artists.

Woo Hoo!

I am thrilled, and happy now to share the work.

House of Leaves. Art Quilt. 59.5”H x 74”W

This is the statement I wrote to go with the work:

During middle school I walked home in autumn through leaf-filled sidewalks. It is a complex memory – written on yards of muslin incorporated into the quilt surface. A girl’s longing for freedom and a touch of rebellion was part of it. Swirling emotions -- the pressure of events threatening our home -- were also part. Depicting a home in pieces, askew, overwhelmed by leaves, as if it could be buried by them, gives voice to memory of that time and place.

And here is a look at each panel alone, to show more detail.

I am proud of this work. It went through a lot of difficult stages and the way out was not always clear.

But I got it done. On this one, the process is a pleasure.

Q=A=Q will exhibit at the Schweinfurth Art Center
Albany, New York
Nov 2, 2024 – January 5, 2024

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading.
I always enjoy questions and comments.


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