Bobbi Baugh Studio

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A “Yes” and some “Maybes”

The pleasure of a project beginning: “Yes!”

This is my studio, mostly picked up form the last batch of work, and one small fabric piece glued up in place on my worktable.

This will be a 14” x 14” work, depicting a small boat on water, which I am completing for a commission. Nothing too big or complicated.

But here it is a thing of beauty: Collaged fabrics drying, nice and smooth with no wrinkles. Aaahhh! Yes!

The substrate is white kraft felt, taped down to the board. On top of that I am collaging a piece of sheer white polyester that I monotype printed with subtle blue water patterns.

(I collaged with matte medium. Slathered onto the substrate. Then I laid down the printed sheer polyester into the medium and worked it out flat with a wide paintbrush.)

I did not add a lot of texture or patterning to the fabric as I monoprinted it; mostly, I let the natural imperfections of my homemade plate (which I have now used for a number of months) create what I consider interesting patterns.

This is a “yes” for me. Because it represents the beginning of a new project. Everything is still possible. And so far the technical aspects are working as they should (good collage – no wrinkles.)

Then today I spent the morning with my local artmaking group. Part of my time was spent ripping apart a quilt I’d completed some time back and now want to reconstruct, and part of the time was spent sorting through my pile of recently printed fabrics. As I’ve been working on other projects, I’ve kept my eyes open for some interesting blues and greens that I can use in an upcoming work.

I had not been thinking about these pieces as I put them in the plastic tub. Today I was pleased to see that I’ve created a pretty nice stash, good “maybes” for future work.

For now they also represent possibilities.. and the hope that as a group they may in the future represent a “yes!”

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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