Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Workin’ Fast N Loose

This week the Florida landscape called to me to get out of the studio and do something different.

A friend and I went to a nearby County Park at Gemini Springs and set up to sketch next to the water. We did not take full plein air set-up — just some sketching utensils and pads of paper. We found a picnic table near the water and responded to what we saw.

No finished artwork resulted.

No masterpieces.

Just experience. The experience of air and water. And the experience of drawing.

I started with just color and random shapes, to get the feel of my materials. I ended up using water-soluble oil pastels and a brush dipped in water. Sometimes dip then draw into the wet. Sometimes make some marks then mush them around in water with the brush.

Once I got the color response bug out of my system, I had more fun sketching actual things.

I started close-up, concentrating on a nearby plant with leaves.

Then I looked across the water at a group of fishermen on the dock. I enjoyed doing these a lot.

My takeaways – things I rediscovered.

Quick and unfinished is OK. . .  just getting the sense of a subject and then moving on to the next one is an acceptable procedure. There was no need for me to “finish” these – to color in all the parts.

Work as big as you can. . .  That’s a good rule for me, though I know other people really enjoy working small. I don’t. These pads are 18 x 24 and that was big enough to get some arm movement going and create some loose shapes. Working small makes me want to do little back and forth movements of the wrist and to concentrate on detailed aspects of an image. That’s not what this outing was about for me.

Drawing wrong-handed . . . Another friend introduced me years ago to drawing with my non-dominant hand. I’m right-handed. I drew all these with my left hand. It’s just a way to re-wire your brain and help you get more freedom of expression.

Could something more come of these drawings? Possibly. I could rip them up and incorporate them into a paper work. I could collage more paper or fabric onto them.

Or I could just leave them as they are – experiments and experiences. I believe those also will find their way into other larger, more finished projects.  For example . . .

Remembering my responses to being outside and looking at sunlight inspired this work: “Why I Wake Early.”

“Why I Wake Early” is part of the SAQA Florida Regional exhibit, “Awakening” exhibiting at Visual Art Center in Punta Gorda through May 24. I invite you to go visit this interesting and varied exhibit of work if you are near this venue.


For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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