Bobbi Baugh Studio

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More Than Just the Making

I had some great studio hours this weekend finishing details on paper collages. I’m preparing a batch of new matted pieces for next weekend’s Fall Festival of the Arts DeLand.

I can’t wait to be on the street meeting with art-appreciators face to face. It’s my favorite event.

But, I’ve been thinking this week about the many other parts of being an artmaker too.

THINKING. I’ve been thinking about thinking.

Last weekend I taught at a retreat sponsored by Florida Region of Studio Art Quilt Associates. My focus was content and composition – all the things to consider before actually beginning the artwork, or even before thinking about what methods you’ll use. We spent a lot of time looking at the works of other artists and trying to discern what thought and meaning they attached to their work.

I almost always begin with the cave paintings from Lascaux, France. These paleolithic works may be up to 20,000 years old. The caves contain over 600 paintings on the wails.

 I can hardly imagine what ritual meaning early people attached to these creations. Imagine crawling down a narrow muddy tunnel to get to the cave, and then painting by flickering torchlight. Likely associated with rites of passage in the tribe or invoking magic powers before a hunt, the wall paintings are rich with meaning.

It’s the meaning that separates artmaking from other kinds of creativity. Art is ABOUT something.

Last night I enjoyed a local art talk by a young Jamaican artist. She described pulling together the traditions and images of her upbringing, blending it with her concerns for social justice and change, and working all that out in a mix of printmaking and textiles. So much to think about! Afterwards I enjoyed a live concert by Stetson’s orchestra. Now my head is filled with even more emotions and thoughts stirred by the powerful music.

So, today, working my way through some finishing touches was about all I could do. Too much unprocessed thinking! I need some time on the porch staring into space or recording thoughts in a journal or sketchbook.

These things are part of the artmaking too.

Meanwhile, back in day-to-day reality, I have a car full of display parts for next weekend’s Festival. My tent and display panels have been stored in a shed for a year, so I have some tent-washing and panel vacuuming in my future tomorrow.

Not as cerebral. But it’s all part of artmaking too.

If you are within driving distance of DeLand, please join us next weekend. DeLand’s annual Fall Festival is a great event with 150+ exhibiting juried artists. I’ll be in booth 133. (Right in front of the Museum Store.) See you there!

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating 

Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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