Bobbi Baugh Studio

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First the little girl. Now the story.

Two weeks ago I wrote abut the process of enlarging the drawing of this little girl sitting in the ladder-backed chair.

Since that time, I have her placed on the fabric, and I am building up colors and the background all around here. These will be the elements of the story.

This work-in-progress is on my easel with trial fabrics pinned in place

I enjoy the process of storytelling visually. I readily admit that I am stronger on setting than I am on plot. And that’s by intent. The little girl is not a particular child, although I know I draw a lot on my own inner child. She is the embodiment of all girls. Full of contradictions. Often unsure. Resilient and capable. Fragile. Full of possibilities.

When I place the child in the setting that suggests things going on —without dictating one individual’s plotline — each viewer can insert into this narrative her own story or the story of a girl she loves.

So, I am especially drawn to images that are interesting but not definitive.

Photos embedded in layers of surface-designed fabric are on of my favorite design elements. When the brain perceives a photo of an actual thing it registers “real.” But, when the photo is next to a square or an abstract shape, that is something “not real.” Now the brain must piece this together.

I love this photo of strong tree roots. The blue acrylic glaze over part of it adds to the interest.

This photo is a close-up of rocks and roots, also altered by color overlays.

The windows are photo transfers too, with sheer fabric inserted in the panes and stitching to tie the various parts together.

I am a little over halfway through building up the layers on this piece. I hope to submit it to a juried exhibition in February, so I want to keep the whole thing under the lid during that process. I look forward to a full reveal later this spring.

Meanwhile… Here’s my invitation to those who are near the Central Florida area. Please visit my studio during the 2020 Off-the-Beaten-Path Tour.

You can find the map to my studio and tour information HERE

Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.

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