Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Gotta Keep Creative… Here’s What I’m Trying

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesdays!

It seems strange to confess to a need to keep creative. Creating is what I do all day! I’m a disciplined studio worker. I pour my morning coffee, walk ten steps, and there I am in the studio – at work!

(Hmmm. That first sentence may have revealed a lot. Work. Not. Play.)

Mostly, I am creating larger works, art quilts. I enjoy the challenge of working in a range of 36”H to about 48”W. I feel at home in that scale. Right now, I have six different pieces in progress in the studio.

BUT... larger works take longer. I enjoy the process. But sometimes it’s like a cross country trek – step after step to be completed. Parts of the process are a bit of a slog.

Recently I pulled out some rice paper pieces I had printed a while ago, found some watercolor paper, and built a few collages. It felt wonderful!  Not TOO small; miniatures just don’t seem to speak to me. These will fit a 16 x 20 frame. But the smaller scale is manageable to keep fresh through the whole process.

Also new for me is that these are abstract compositions. Recently, I’ve been creating representational larger works. The abstracts allow a laying down of items intuitively, turning them upside down to find an intriguing angle and discovering the composition as I go.

I’ve created a few already and I like what I’m discovering.

I’ve experimented with some palettes that are not-my-normal choices

I’ve added some layers of overprinting I did not expect.

I look forward to finishing a new one once a week and introducing it on my web site as Wonderful Wednesday Collage.  The first one will be posted tomorrow morning.

I hope you’ll take a look and enjoy the journey with me.

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